Highland Country Club and Resort, Islamabad – Anthro Insights arranged the second ‘Post Legislative Scrutiny Workshop’ (PLS) for members of Sindh Assembly on 5th– 7th of January under the Legislative Effectiveness Program. The Deputy Speaker of Sindh Assembly Ms. Rehana Leghari gave welcoming remarks and stressed the importance of learning the depths of legislation and drafting of the law. She further commended the effective role of secretariat members in the process of lawmaking.
Additional Secretary National Assembly Mr. Syed Shamoon Hashmi started the first session and gave a presentation on “Building Consensus Across Party Lines”. He emphasized the need for mutual cooperation between political parties for the country to progress. Moreover, he highlighted the power of parliamentarians that has led to humungous changes in the social structure of the country through the empowerment of women. In the second session, Civic Engagement Expert Mr. Zafarullah Khan briefed the members on the process of legal socialization and discussed the role of the secretariat in facilitating the legislation process. PLS expert Syed Mujtaba Ali Zaidi in the third session of the day explained the process of post-legislative scrutiny and elaborated the main five steps involved in conducting the post-legislative scrutiny. This session was followed by an exercise involving the legislative assessment forms.
The second day of the workshop started with Additional Secretary Legislation Mr. Muhammad Mushtaq’s session where he briefed the members about the ‘Parliamentary Systems and Legislative Scrutiny’. He discussed the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business. A Q/A session was also held where the trainers addressed all the queries of the respected MPAs. The last session was held by the Delegated Legislative Expert Mr. Sheikh Sarfaraz Ahmed who gave a detailed presentation on ‘Reviewing Delegated Legislation’. Deputy Speaker of Sindh Assembly closed the workshop where she underscored the importance of learning the legislative process which continues beyond introducing a law or passing a bill. She concluded by thanking Anthro Insights for arranging this workshop.